About me

I'm a writer, journalist and editor with fifteen years of experience. I've helped many leading businesses and organisations produce clear and engaging content that makes an impact with their audiences.

As a copywriter, I've worked with tech companies such as Microsoft, Cisco and Schneider Electric to convey their position as thought leaders in areas including AI, sustainable energy and the internet of things (IoT).

Within journalism, I've written features on a wide range of topics for national publications such as the Guardian, the Sunday Telegraph and BBC Travel. I've also worked in staff reporting and editing roles for specialist trade magazines covering subjects like local government, construction, and the arts.

See examples of my journalism

Linkedin page

Having worked with Jonathan for many years, I highly value his discerning, efficient and reliable writing capabilities.

— Phil Rigg, Editorial Director at MRM UK



Local government


Arts and culture


Public sector

Project types

Copy editing

Reports, presentations


White papers, ebooks, websites, articles, blogs


News editing, reporting, feature writing